The Team

Dan “Dangerine” Bates - Founder and Head of Operations
Dan has an epic beard and a drinking problem. He's been playing 40k since 2014, is a member of the England ETC Team and is the current Games Workshop 40k GT Champion.
40k Faction - Craftworlds
AOS Faction - Squigs
MTG Colour - Black
Pokemon - Jolteon
Marvel Charcter - Deadpool
Mani “Chocolate” Cheema - Founder and Head of Events
Head Coach Mani "Chocolate" Cheema is world renowned for his Batman onesie, jammy dice and has won more events than he's had hot dinners. He is a member of ETC/WTC Team England and was the European ITC champion last season.
40k Faction - Orks
AOS Faction - Idoneth Deepkin
MTG Colour - Black
Pokemon - Blastoise
Marvel Charcter - Thor
Dawid “Sausage” Szmyt - Content Manager
Dawid is our content editor, Youtube expert and IT guru. At 6ft 9" he is also incredibly useful for getting items on the top shelf. He has been playing competitive 40k for 5 years but has been a hardcore gamer since he was a freakishly large child.
40k Faction - Imperial Knights
AOS Faction - Legions of Nagash
MTG Colour - Blue
Pokemon - Charmander
Marvel Charcter - Iron Man
Dale "SnailWhale" Ironwood - Shop & Event Manager
Dale is The Glasshouse Store Manager and all round nice guy. Whether its assembling, painting, collecting or playing he's got the knowhow to make sure your getting the most out of your hobby.
40k Faction - Craftworlds
AOS Faction - Lumineth
MTG Colour - Blue
Pokemon - Scizor
Marvel Charcter - Dr.Strange
Lewis "StreamKing" Healy - Shop & Dispatch Manager
Lewis is always excitable and happy even though he's the first in every morning. If you've ordered something from our webstore he's the guy that got your stuff sent out early.
40k Faction - Necrons
AOS Faction - Maggotkin of Nurgle
MTG Colour - Black
Pokemon - Arcanine
Marvel Charcter - Guillotine